Our Community Archive Page: 3

We’re deeply humbled by our success, because we know that it’s only possible with the support of all our great customers. That’s why we choose to recognize significant milestones by giving back; it’s our way of honoring everyone who has selected Consumer Cellular for their wireless service. For instance, when we reached the two...
At Consumer Cellular, we work extra hard to be kind to the world around us. As we celebrate Earth Day 2016 this week, we’re even more mindful of our partnership with the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). As you know, it requires more than ideas to preserve and improve the world around us. And...
It’s a great feeling be able to look back over last year to see how we were able to serve those in communities. We developed a culture of caring and service at Consumer Cellular for the simple fact that it can dramatically benefit the lives of individuals everywhere, not to mention our own. Our employees...