Offering tips to save you money on your wireless service is just another great benefit you enjoy with Consumer Cellular. Here’s information that can help you avoid a fee you may not even know about: you can enjoy free directory assistance. Directory assistance is offered nationwide by mobile carriers by dialing 4-1-1 on your...
Here’s a terrific way to stay more connected—and save money while you do. Now through June 30, if you start new service or add lines to an existing Consumer Cellular account, you’ll receive $25 for each new line. It’s the perfect time to create an affordable family wireless plan: add lines for yourself, your...
Connect easily with family, friends, and everything else you love to do with CC ConnectPad. ConnectPad is the unique, do-it-all device designed exclusively for Consumer Cellular. Whether you have never owned a smartphone or tablet before, or are simply looking for a more user-friendly wireless device, it’s an ideal choice for all your needs....