Over the past few years, there have been remarkable advancements in technology that can be particularly helpful for those who may have difficulty with certain aspects of daily life. In this blog post, we will explore how smartphones can be a useful tool for those with visual impairments. We will provide practical tips on using your smartphone for tasks such as making phone calls, browsing the internet, creating reminders, taking notes and more. If you are someone who has a visual impairment, read on to discover how your smartphone can make your life easier.

Screen Readers

Apple VoiceOver (Apple)

You can ask Siri to “Turn On Voiceover” if you have an iPhone. This handy feature will announce everything that is happening on your screen, such as telling you what you are typing, as well as telling you what percentage your phone is at! This feature is compatible with all stock apps and many third-party applications.

Android Talkback (Android)
This built-in application is included on all Android apps and helps with audio assistance. With this app, you can access controls, links and headings, and it will even verbally describe everything that’s happening on your phone’s screen.

Voice Assistant

Siri (Apple)

Did you know that your iPhone comes with a helpful tool called Siri? Siri can do a lot of things to make your life easier, such as reading and sending texts, emailing, giving directions, setting reminders and much more!

Google Assistant (Android)

Google Assistant can assist you with a variety of tasks, like sending texts, playing your favorite songs, controlling smart devices and more. Google Assistant is included on all Android phones and is easy to access.

Barcode Readers

Code Check (Android and Apple)

Barcode readers are beneficial for shopping, whether going to the grocery store or the mall. For example, the app CodeCheck can relay the description and price of an item in a human-like voice. This app will require your camera to scan the barcode.

We at Consumer Cellular hope that this blog has been helpful to those who are living with a visual impairment. If you have any questions or need further assistance with any of the topics discussed, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can reach our friendly customer support team by calling us at (888) 345-5509 or visiting our website. We are always here to help and support you in any way we can!