Our Community Archive Page: 6

When you make the top 100 list of the fastest-growing private companies in your region for five years in a row, as Consumer Cellular recently did, it signals more than a growth spurt. I believe it’s a sign of our company’s maturity, vision and commitment, not to mention the positive results of a truly...
I was thinking of language the other day and how it changes. English, for instance, is very adaptive and constantly adds words to its vocabulary. Nearly every day we find ourselves using new words or giving old words new meanings, from boom box to caller ID to voicemail. We often create new words, such...
The month of April is known for several meaningful celebrations. I’d like to talk about one of those celebrations because it’s a special April recognition that’s close to my heart: Earth Day. Here at Consumer Cellular we don’t just celebrate Earth once a year on April 22nd. We honor it daily, by defining and...